WrenchWay School Connect
WrenchWay School Connect

It gives shops and schools an opportunity to share resources.
Shops can offer tours, guest speakers, donations, apprenticeships, job shadows, etc.
Schools can respond to your offer – and conversely you can respond to requests from schools for the same.
This is a national platform – started in Wisconsin. It will only be effective if many shops and schools sign up.
Please take a look at the website and sign up. It takes very little time.
This can become a great resource for connecting schools with industry – please participate and share with your industry colleagues.
Periodically check the site to see what schools may need from industry.
It costs NOTHING.
Simply input your business information and post what you have to offer schools.
Christen Battaglia, of WrenchWay, is happy to assist you. christen@wrenchway.com or 302-377-5202